Learn How To Code Online
Let’s face it, learning how to code or program was a task best left for the nerds or the geeks not that long ago. But things have changed today and many people have already tried to go through the process of learning the art of coding. Many marketers, freelancers, entrepreneurs assure that learning skills that will help you to code through online courses can easily help you excel. So, lots of learners have made it their goal to learn coding online. It’s convenient being something that helps you become better in a chosen area of work.
If in the past learning coding used to ask learners to acquire access to expensive classes and books, now there is no need to get student loans in order to learn how to code. The Internet offers plenty of online resources for studying coding for a reasonable price or even for free.
This blog post will talk about how to launch a process of learning programming online for free. Also, you’ll find some useful tools to make the coding experience better.
Best ways to learn how to code online
Obviously, before launching any kind of process (including learning), the best way to start is to develop an outline of strategies for helping to keep moving forward successfully. Learning how to code should also be approached step-by-step. Once you make the first step, you should have a good idea of where to go from there. Look at the list of goods and bads of learning coding online. Be aware of the steps that can be taken and can not take while learning to code online. Read, analyze, and draw your conclusions.
Steps to take for learning coding online:
- Read testimonials written by successful coders and learn from their experience;
- Go to reliable online resources, forums, and learning platforms for advice;
- Reach out to experienced coders asking them for advice;
- Google answers and make notes;
- Make friends with other newbies who learn coding with the same approaches (or different from yours);
- Learn specs by enrolling into online courses;
- Learn techniques for reading and writing code with lots of practical experience;
- Push your project over the cloud on Github;
- Document your experience and blog it on any of the popular blogging mediums (Medium.com, CodeProject.com, CSharpCorner.com) for free.
- Steps you can not take while learning coding online:
- To get practical work experience by working with others face-to-face;
- To have the clearest view of what needs to be done to avoid pitfalls with deadlines;
- Comprehend corporate politics to the fullest extent;
- Learn through a spontaneous arguing with your coworkers;
- Hone your tech knowledge and boost social skills;
- Having live interactions with colleagues and getting to know people in person.
Start by nailing down core concepts of the programming language like variables, conditional statements, functions or subroutines, data input, and then to the advanced concepts such as data structures and algorithms. There are thousands of tutorials, code examples, and books online for virtually every programming language out there. Use these examples to examine the syntax and understand how various aspects of the language work.
Code daily and challenge yourself to keep it fun by doing things that you don’t know how to do yet or research new ways to accomplish the task. Always talk with other programmers and regularly check out programming forums or online communities. As you move forward in your learning, take bits and pieces from various examples to create your own programs. Once you gain enough knowledge and experience, you will be able to make changes to the example programs and then test the result.
Keep yourself motivated and never quit!
Eventually, you will run into one problem or another. This is normal. You need to keep on going and stay motivated because motivation is extremely important to learn how to code. Even when you find a problem difficult, then don’t quit! Spend some time looking for hints for solving it. Remember, the main goal of any programming language is to become the most effective tool for writing computer stuff like software, programs, apps, etc.
Best programming language for learning how to code
Well, if you are chasing an idea about becoming a good programmer, you definitely need to get a good grasp of theory. To become really advanced, to try out various languages just to have an understanding of how they work. So, to get the learning process going, just pick a general-purpose language that suits most needs of the coding tasks. In case you are unsure, just pick any of them. A quick list of general-purpose languages: Python, Ruby, C#, Java, C, C++, PHP, Javascript, Scala.
Learning how to write codes is almost like learning how to write poetry. In other words, the more practice you get – the better. Since programmers learn by doing and getting involved in building various projects, select and stick to a programming language that will serve as an introduction to computer science, and help you understand the various concepts in programming. Both Java and C++ are good languages to learn, but for beginners, they may seem a bit too complicated for cracking. Most experienced coders recommend starting with a simpler language like Python.
When you start programming, you’re going to come across plenty of bugs. Practice how to debug and always comment all of your code to explain what the code does. This is an essential practice in a collaborative environment, as it allows you and others to understand what your code is doing.
Where to learn how to code online
The best way to expand knowledge is to take training courses and workshops on eLearning platforms. These can be great for new programmers, as you can get hands-on help from experienced programmers. But are there any other ways? Yes, it is possible now to start learning coding by skipping through steps of taking paid courses on the internet. Although a good online course is the best investment in the learning process, there are plenty of websites and different online resources available from which you can learn programming efficiently.
There are also lots of YouTube channels available where you can learn programming very well.
For example, if you choose Java, work through the New Boston’s series on YouTube and run through Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better. If you get all of the concepts from a couple of sources that make you practice and try in different ways, you will grow a lot faster.
Here is a list of other useful online resources you can learn coding with:
- https://www.codecademy.com
- https://www.freecodecamp.org
- https://dash.generalassemb.ly
- https://www.udemy.com
- https://grinfer.com
- https://www.codewars.com
- https://learnrubythehardway.org
- https://rubymonk.com
- https://www.railstutorial.org/book
- https://learnpythonthehardway.org/book/
- https://www.learnpython.org
- https://python.swaroopch.com
- https://davidwalsh.name
- https://alistapart.com
- https://css-tricks.com
- https://www.sitepoint.com
The Command Line
- https://commandlinepoweruser.com
- https://learncodethehardway.org
- https://www.htmldog.com
- https://marksheet.io
- https://developer.mozilla.org
- https://www.learn-js.org
- https://eloquentjavascript.net
- http://jsforcats.com
- https://nodeschool.io
Also, there is a useful app called SoloLearn. This is an app that teaches many different programming languages with lots of intuitive step-by-step tutorials. SoloLearn is both an app and a massive community of programmers and developers, who you can chat with along every step of the way. The tutorials are both made by the app developers and members of the community, leaving nothing uncovered. SoloLearn can be downloaded on iPhones and iPads – making it an easily accessible, fast and easy way to learn to program in your favourite programming languages. It even comes with in-built (online) compilers in the app, so you can easily code on the go.
Learn how to code with online courses on Grinfer
Object-Oriented Programming in Python – Aided with Diagram
This course is a useful one and was created for beginners wanting to build an understanding of objects, classes, and inheritance, overloading. After going through this course, you’ll get a deep understanding of Objects and Classes with details, instantiating the Class as Objects with more details, work with concepts, diagrams, syntax, examples, etc.
Sign up for the following online course on Grinfer and learn Python
Innovative Python
With this course, you are going to get lots of practical experience and hands-on coding with Python. The coursework combines Python with Regex in order to reach even more impressive results. Also, you will be making Windows notifications, you will learn how to modify, as well as extract required data, work with clipboard elements, and much more. Once you complete the course, this freshly acquired knowledge will reduce manual work by improving efficiency, if you will use and apply it for your projects.
Selenium Webdriver Using Python for Beginners
This course teaches the process of installing Python and Selenium, creating automation test scripts, handling various tasks which are going on in the browser, as well as generating reports. Designed for complete beginners, this course will help anyone who is looking for ways to get a foot in the door of the automation testing industry.
Learn programming using C#
Since C# is utilized for anything in terms of projects that are going on in the web development field, this is an important one for a future successful career in the IT field. This course will teach the basics of the C# programming language. You will study essentials as error handling, useful methods, binary, asynchronous, and more.
Sign up for the following online courses on Grinfer and learn coding with C#
C#-only Full-stack web development
Do you want to start learning modern web development? This course will teach you how to build the back-end with C#. Also, you’ll learn basics for Blazor and API development with .net core. But there is more to this course – it covers more advanced topics merging them together. Also, you’ll see the whole process in action and pick up some great tips and tricks for a successful hands-on practice.
Swift Programming Basics – Learn to Code from Scratch [For Complete Beginners]
Beginners will be provided with plenty of video and audio tutorials during this course. You’ll start learning Swift language from scratch, as well as the basics of iOS development. You’ll move up to the level where you will be writing Swift codes for iOS applications used in the most popular Apple gadgets. Once you get through this course, you’ll be all set for building a Simple Coin Tossing application yourself!
Sign up for the following online course on Grinfer and learn coding with Swift
Complete iOS Development Course – From Beginners to Publishing your App on the App Store
Start to learn Swift from scratch with this great online course which will teach you how to start building something with it right away. You’ll be writing lines of code and designing apps for the iPhone by utilizing iOS13. You will not only learn how to save and retrieve data, create functions and loops, use timers and delays, etc., but also make icons for the iPhone. You will also be taught how to publish apps that you created by adding them to the Apple App Store.
Since modern technologies have lots to offer, learning coding online became much easier with the correct approaches and good online courses created by experienced programmers. So, use the Grinfer marketplace as a great source of information and knowledge for your future achievements in the art of coding. Reach out to instructors that you like the best with 1-on-1 consultations and ask them for advice or additional information in the areas that you have problems with. Remember, learning how to code can become much easier with online resources, which Grinfer offers plenty of on its eLearning platform. Learn how to code with Grinfer today!